The Solicitor Exam: What You Need to Know

The Solicitor Exam: The Basics

The term “solicitor” refers to lawyers who specialize in non-courtroom related legal work. As a result, the solicitor portion of the bar exam focuses on non-litigation related topics—namely, business law, estate planning, and real estate law (in addition to professional responsibility, which is also featured on the barrister portion of the exam).

The Exam Itself

The solicitor exam is formatted exactly the same way the barrister exam is. As a result, and as we’ve noted previously, it consists of 160 multiple choice questions. Like the barrister exam, rather than having to answer all 160 questions in one sitting, the exam is broken down into two 80 question segments. You’ll get two hours to complete each segment (with a 30 minute break in between). So, in total, the exam lasts 4 hours (or 4.5 hours if you include the 30 minute break halfway through).

As we saw with the barrister exam, not all of the topics are covered equally. In other words, you could get a lot of business law and estate planning questions and only a few real estate and professional responsibility questions (or vice versa). Because it’s impossible to predict which topics will be covered the most, it’s best to be prepared for all of them.

Is The Solicitor Exam “Easier” Than The Barrister Exam?

In short, “no”. As we mentioned in our last newsletter, the answer to this question likely depends on your legal interests. If you’re genuinely interested in litigation-related topics, then you’ll likely find the barrister study materials more interesting. As a result, you’ll likely find the barrister exam easier. If, however, you’re more interested in solicitor-related topics (e.g., real estate), then you’ll likely find the solicitor study materials more interesting. As a result, you’ll likely find the solicitor exam easier.

How Do I Ace The Solicitor Portion Of The Bar Exam?

No secrets here: read the study materials thoroughly, make sure you’re actually comprehending the study materials, and do lots and lots of practice tests. We’ve covered this topic extensively before, so we won’t repeat ourselves here. But if you stick to this advice, you should be more than prepared for the barrister portion of the bar exam come test day.


  1. The solicitor portion of the Ontario bar exam covers NON-litigation-related topics—namely, business law, estate planning, and real estate law (in addition to professional responsibility).

  2. The exam consists of 160 questions. However, these 160 questions are broken down into two 80 question segments.

  3. You get two hours to complete each 80 question segment. The two segments are separated by a half hour break. In total, then, the exam lasts 4 hours (or 4.5 if you include the 30 minute break).

  4. Whether you find the solicitor portion of the bar exam “easier” than the barrister portion likely depends on your legal interests.

  5. Read the study materials thoroughly, make sure you’re actually comprehending the study materials, and do lots of practice tests if you want to ace the barrister exam on test day.

PS: You can take 20% off ANY of our practice tests by using discount code “PASS” at checkout.


Time To Start Studying!


The Barrister Exam: What You Need To Know